
Project N.9


Combined environmental actions



In real cases it is rarely that structures have to sustain only one type of environmental action, rather structures are exposed to combined effect of mechanical loading and several environmental actions at the same time. The aim of ESR9 is to simulate the degradation process in AAMs under combined effect of at least two environmental or mechanical actions. While other ERS are focusing on a specific degradation mechanism or application of AAM, the aim of this ESR is to consider synergetic effect of the combination of environmental ad mechanical actions, which is more realistic loading scenario. The simulations and experiments will consider the effect of shrinkage, freeze-thaw, carbonation and chloride transport separately and in a coupled manner, together with mechanical loading. To achieve this aim, the following objectives are defined:

1) Upscaling results from ESR2, to obtain meso- and macro-scale properties of AAM
 2) Evaluating the effect of structural damage and cracks due to mechanical loading or cracks due to environmental deterioration (carbonation, freeze-thaw, etc.) on the macro- and meso-structure of AAM
3) Evaluate the effect of joint action of mechanical loading and environmental action, such as chloride-induce corrosion
4) Perform simulations for structural components under service life conditions to predict the distribution and extension of cracks and damages due to mechanical loading of the structure and using this information obtain the transport properties of concrete with new appearing cracks

Validate simulations on a set of real cases to investigate the long-term performance of the AAMs in different environmental conditions.


Expected Results

ESR9 is expected to deliver a framework on the modelling of the degradation of AAMs at the meso- and macro-scales under combined effect of mechanical and environmental actions and to obtain the time-dependent diffusivity and chloride concentration profiles at coupled action in engineering structures.