Project N.12


Service life of AAM concrete



The core aim of this ESR project is the development of a service life model for AAM concretes, based on experimental results obtained by the other ESRs in the network, particularly ESRs 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9. The objectives leading toward this aim are:

1) Construction and implementation of a modelling framework by which the characteristics that define the service life of steel-reinforced AAM concretes can be quantitatively described, and thus service life calculated based on different governing assumptions, including probabilistic capabilities for calculating corrosion likelihood. This will include the description of moisture transport (using data from ESR2)
2) Description of chloride transport and chloride-induced corrosion in this model, using data from ESR8
3) Description of carbonation rate and carbonation-induced corrosion in this model, using data from ESR7

Coupling of chloride and carbonation attack, using data from ESR9.


Expected Results

The ESR will develop, implement and disseminate an advanced mathematical model that will enable the service life of AAM concretes to be predicted, with value to both academic and industry interests related to structural design using AAM concretes.