
Project N.1


Mix Design and Rheology



State-of-the-art mix designs of AAM concretes are taken as a starting point to study rheological properties in a more detailed way. Key parameters influencing the rheological behaviour will be studied fundamentally, resulting in the development of rheological mix design models. Feedback of the rheological understanding to the mix design will improve the ability to better aim for a target rheological behaviour, also including the reuse of by-products for the production of AAM concretes. To achieve this aim, the following objectives are defined:

1) Determine the key parameters for a fundamental understanding of the rheological behaviour of AAM concretes, starting from state-of-the-art mix designs, and based on experimental rheometry at different material levels (paste, mortar, concrete).
2) Develop practical design models, based on the fundamental understanding of the rheological behaviour, for the development of AAM concretes with target rheological behaviour, and define the boundary conditions of the developed rheological design models.

Validate the rheological design models with new mix designs, for a wide variety of precursors, also including reuse of several types of by-products as precursors for AAM.


Expected Results

The most important outcome of this ESR project will be a researcher trained to the highest international standard in innovative and world-leading research, and connected to other leading organisations through a focus on collaboration and mobility. In a technical sense, the ESR will provide new insight into the mix design and rheology of AAM concretes, and ways to reuse by-products as precursors for AAM. Mix formulations are input to the other ESRs.